Friday, September 4, 2009

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Saturday, August 29, 2009
I'M BACK!!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
ah finally.....the ever waited class for bio......DISSECTION .........it was a friday.....we had bio lesson during the third & fourth period........yoga would be the who got us our test subjects...FULLY GROWN FROGS at rm 8 each..........let the fun begin.......i'm sory but i jus malas to upload the pics.........4mb a pic!!! too big.........oh well i guess words will put it right...around 7.30 the class wuz full of activity...the frogs were there.......not knowing the danger ahead ....they jump n croak happily in an large plastic box.......a few of us even brought camera's......tat includes me,marcus,roy(phedam) and a few other guys who brought handphones........soon the time arrived...we marched to the lab.....quickly...there the lab assistant wuz ready wit chloroform.......he jus took a small piece of cotton socked in chloroform and put it in the jar of frogs.......wow the frogs reaction was amazing.....they started jumping like mad.......here and there,......and finally gave away to the chloroform.......we picked our frogs and started disecting ...........first we had to cut of the layer of skin on the frog...and then use the scaple to slice.....after bout 15 minutes of slow slicing we finally reached the heart of the frog.....it wuz still pumping.......cool .....after observing the heart rate..we were done.........free to do anytin with the frog....i started by pulling out all the innards......slimy..gooey stuff.....then i moved on to chopping the frogs head....and then to the other parts of the body.............it wuz fun(not 4 the frogs).....amazing class....fantastic,.........mind blasting........tat day 6 fully grown frogs were destroyed..........lets give them a moment of silence(not 2 long....)
Sunday, March 22, 2009

dunno if you guys hv seen tis.....yup it's my very own coke collection...amazing isn't it.......it was once upon a time my uncle's collection.....he decided to give it up to me........there are cokes from all around the world...japan,arab,usa,england,china,russia...m'sia.....i even have a bottel of coke during our tahun merdeka.....cool right...1957.....oh yeah if you were wondering the wat spongebob is doing in a sea of coke items...well it's actually a popcorn tin........amazing right.....those days...popcorn being served in metal tins.......nowdays it's in paper or a box.......and they charge you so much.......one day my collection...will be the world's largest.........imagine my name plague...NAVIN NAPOLEAN...COKE EXPERT &COLLECTOR............OR MAYBE EVEN COKE GURU...... .......oh well......you may never know............i ony 17..........by 30 i'm gonna have a room crammed with coke stuff...........ps....any antique never seen before coke items u have...and sick of it.......sell it to me.......HP:016-7416116..or email me:darkangle32@hotmail.com......... GOD BLESS YOU...
Thursday, March 5, 2009
aha....yes our beloved captian finally turns 19......well it was like any normal day..well maybe for raj it was....we were all busy.....well reached skul at bout 7.....went to kums class..well the present tat i wuz suppose to give to raj was not wrapped.......lucky for me.....ms fantastic(divi)& and her group of friends wuz ready to help........armed wit wrapping paper and blades they attacked my gift wit speed of a top speed jet liner......(thanks for the help).......well then returned to my class and waited fo the right moment.....durin recess i returned to kums's class and collected money(we decided to put in some money & buy pizza's)....went out of skul and called pizza hut..they said tat the pizza's will arrive in bout 45 minutes...went back to kums class and signed raj's b'day card.....it was damm big wei.....oh yeah raj wuz havin tamil club meetin....after finish on y he kena 3-4...then after 3-4 kums and i went to the main gate to get the pizza's.....then i decided to check my phone...8 miss calls....damm..poor pizza guy...i called bck and they said the pizza's will be there soon......5 min's later it did arrive and we took it all to kums class...well after tat words jus can't describe wat happened...i hope tis pics will..........HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY RAJ.......

b'day boy.....i jus love tis shot.....reminds me of samy vellu.........
the pizza's

kumaresh...startin the party wit the firs gulp of the pepsi.........thiva hidin at the bck i dunno why???

b'day boy.....i jus love tis shot.....reminds me of samy vellu.........

kumaresh...startin the party wit the firs gulp of the pepsi.........thiva hidin at the bck i dunno why???

ape lagi raj minum semua habis lah.....well take pity on gupreet tough he looks thirsty...minum bola makan bola tidur bola...minum coca cola...i mean pepsi..........
me and raj.....raj seems to be in an urge to shake sometin.....hmmm i wonder,,,,,....
haha...kumaresh kena ugut........thiva gangster sei...........tampoi don......beware.....

raj givin eugene some pepsi.........which he later poured on eugene face....oh well

dorai n raj........
ec's fantastiscos.......
group pic...i love tis pic.....well i do look kinda big in tis pic...but who cares......

raj givin eugene some pepsi.........which he later poured on eugene face....oh well

dorai n raj........

Friday, February 20, 2009

well it was another good pj day.......whew wuz kinda of worried...my phone wuz in the class....anyways after pj....it was back to the class(to change...nt study)..there wuz the normal buzz of..hey where's my tie...kasut aku mana...and in some weird cases...yo dude seen my underwear???well nvm tat....yoga dared me to take his pic........naked and all...as shown in the first pic....i failed.....but luck wuz in my hand...the second time i tried to take a pic yoga wuz not ready to hide.......well i guess it's ok tough....he din mind...he's really a nice guy...great friend.....u can trust him...(can you??)......anyways many other things occured after tat....... the class wuz busy....our poor physics teacher..MR AZMI tried to teach us.....by the time he forced us to change n all his time wuz up......i guess next time we should start changing after pj itself....near the astaka.........will see wat we can do bout tat....as for now the class remains a better option..........
Friday, February 13, 2009
well in my last post there wuz no pic.....too bad.....jus got some...........no input sory......well the pics are quite outdated....durin kums's b'day.....who cares i really jus wanted the pic of eugene kena halloba(sory eugene)enjoy.....^-^
million dollar pic.......wonderful shot...look at him tryin to preserve his manhood...too bad..........what ya expect...merry go round....ec lah tak ade chance........
me and kums.........the best president a club can ever get,,,,,

kums,chen(money man)& thiva
kums feedin marcus.....(more like tryin to kill ......him look at hw's he stuffing the burger wit tat evil grin of his).....
kums &dv....(kums looks drunk in tis pic.....too many burgers???)

kums,chen(money man)& thiva

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
sory.....no pics......
well it was a sunny and blissful wednesday.....came to skul at 6.50....and waited in my class for my buddies...soon bryan,lingesh & marcus arrived...not many others came(sports practice wat.....)...ony 5 students in my class...can u imagine 5 !!!!others got raptai and most 2 lazy to come.....well soon after pn Haziah entered...she asked us to clean up the class(like i care....)anyway she forced us......i dunno why we must clean the class......hw much we clean aso the class will remain dirty...sigh....5 min later ...dv,roshini& thiva came...they wanted to put sometin in the interact room....after tat......me and my buddies went jalan,jalan cari angin wit them...we went to kums class..no one there...but the class wuz full wit Mc donalds breakfast meals.....orang kaya....after tat it was onwards to raj's class.....he was there doin revision....(i tink so...he had a file infront of him....)kacau him for a while then we went to library......it was empty ....so good..read a few books...and then eugene(not his real name) came in...like a circus clown....he wanted the news paper....too bad...not arrived yet.....not quite happy he stayed on and disturb me like hell........after a good 1 hr in the library dv,roshini&thiva left...got class(tat's wat they said)...soon after lingesh,bryan,marcus & me followed suit.....not to class but the canteen(hungry....) after fillin up we went back to raj's class...tis time kums,jpj,gupreet,eugene & dinesh wuz there.....bryan,lingesh& marcus went next door(lingesh wanted to disturb roshini......tat cheeky guy,,...)anyways we decided to play truth or dare(jpj tak berani...so he din play...)dinesh gt it first and he said truth......raj asked him.....have u ever kissed a girl before??.....(drastic question...)he replied...yes..soooo many times...then eugene gt it he said dare...so we asked him to strip....(jus open his shirt lah...we are not peverts...)...he was shy at first...but soon agreed.....then i gt it...i said truth...kums asked me a question...i dare not mention here.....a boy thing....not so nice to post...well soon after eugene gt it again......too bad...we asked him to carry a chair above his head...go infront of the class and say....HELLO IAM EUGENE...he did it.......guess wat he got the pen again....he so unlucky....tis time we asked him to run and sing at the same time......thru the whole block....well but tis time he din......chicken....then someone yelled HALLOBA........we carried eugene and took him to the nearest pole....(class door)he was kicking and fussing about...and guess wat he kicked the door so hard...tat it fell apart...woah......THE DOOR FELL APART!!!!!.......seeing this we all scrambled... ......leaving a very angry eugene alone..........i went back to the library wit my buddies soon after nt knowing wat wuz gonna happen.......then bout 11.30 kums came into the library and told me tat MR chew wanted to see all of us....he was the class teacher.......eugene was so angry tat he din wanna cover line for us...hearts thumping we went to see MR chew.....he said....aiya so big aso wanna play like small babies.......make sure ah...by tis friday u guys fix the door...or i will report tis matter to the school...after tat i dun care wat action they take........tat's wat he said......whew..lucky me...i wuz tinkin he wuz gonna take action.....well after skul we stayed back...and hammered the door back in place...it was still nt sturdy....but i din care........hmmm ironic isn't it...........SPORTS DAY PRACTICE!!!!!!!!!...
well it was a sunny and blissful wednesday.....came to skul at 6.50....and waited in my class for my buddies...soon bryan,lingesh & marcus arrived...not many others came(sports practice wat.....)...ony 5 students in my class...can u imagine 5 !!!!others got raptai and most 2 lazy to come.....well soon after pn Haziah entered...she asked us to clean up the class(like i care....)anyway she forced us......i dunno why we must clean the class......hw much we clean aso the class will remain dirty...sigh....5 min later ...dv,roshini& thiva came...they wanted to put sometin in the interact room....after tat......me and my buddies went jalan,jalan cari angin wit them...we went to kums class..no one there...but the class wuz full wit Mc donalds breakfast meals.....orang kaya....after tat it was onwards to raj's class.....he was there doin revision....(i tink so...he had a file infront of him....)kacau him for a while then we went to library......it was empty ....so good..read a few books...and then eugene(not his real name) came in...like a circus clown....he wanted the news paper....too bad...not arrived yet.....not quite happy he stayed on and disturb me like hell........after a good 1 hr in the library dv,roshini&thiva left...got class(tat's wat they said)...soon after lingesh,bryan,marcus & me followed suit.....not to class but the canteen(hungry....) after fillin up we went back to raj's class...tis time kums,jpj,gupreet,eugene & dinesh wuz there.....bryan,lingesh& marcus went next door(lingesh wanted to disturb roshini......tat cheeky guy,,...)anyways we decided to play truth or dare(jpj tak berani...so he din play...)dinesh gt it first and he said truth......raj asked him.....have u ever kissed a girl before??.....(drastic question...)he replied...yes..soooo many times...then eugene gt it he said dare...so we asked him to strip....(jus open his shirt lah...we are not peverts...)...he was shy at first...but soon agreed.....then i gt it...i said truth...kums asked me a question...i dare not mention here.....a boy thing....not so nice to post...well soon after eugene gt it again......too bad...we asked him to carry a chair above his head...go infront of the class and say....HELLO IAM EUGENE...he did it.......guess wat he got the pen again....he so unlucky....tis time we asked him to run and sing at the same time......thru the whole block....well but tis time he din......chicken....then someone yelled HALLOBA........we carried eugene and took him to the nearest pole....(class door)he was kicking and fussing about...and guess wat he kicked the door so hard...tat it fell apart...woah......THE DOOR FELL APART!!!!!.......seeing this we all scrambled... ......leaving a very angry eugene alone..........i went back to the library wit my buddies soon after nt knowing wat wuz gonna happen.......then bout 11.30 kums came into the library and told me tat MR chew wanted to see all of us....he was the class teacher.......eugene was so angry tat he din wanna cover line for us...hearts thumping we went to see MR chew.....he said....aiya so big aso wanna play like small babies.......make sure ah...by tis friday u guys fix the door...or i will report tis matter to the school...after tat i dun care wat action they take........tat's wat he said......whew..lucky me...i wuz tinkin he wuz gonna take action.....well after skul we stayed back...and hammered the door back in place...it was still nt sturdy....but i din care........hmmm ironic isn't it...........SPORTS DAY PRACTICE!!!!!!!!!...
Saturday, February 7, 2009

Saturday, January 24, 2009
damm lah...went to gym today wit a heavy cold.....stopped in 7-11(it's a store and no more) got the panadol actifast for flu....3.50 4 2 tablet....shit..freakin expensive...reached the gym and the trainer said said my nose looked red(mind you i'm dark) tat was hw bad my flu was....well did warm up and started traning.....midway of doin benchpress i sneezed.....i was lucky to be writin or postin tis....the bar fell and almost hit my head....sial wei the bar was bout 45kg......yeah damm bahaya...after tat i jus stuck wit biceps pulls....takut to do benchpress.......real kacau lah tis flu even wit the biceps pulls i was in difficult.....trained 2 hrs n went back home.....din eat much...(cant taste my food...useless right)..tat panadol actifast..was inactively slow.....useless...my mum gave me actified...she said the tablet will help me sleep....i tuk 2.....hopin it works....haaachoo.........whoops sory......haha......
Friday, January 23, 2009
a day out at cs
whew finally the holidays are ere......damm tiring.....well kums,gupreet,raj,alaga and i went to cs.....well actually it was ony kums and i.....we wanted to collect the interact stamp frm nagamas............the others punks jus followed us......well it was not exactly fun.....all of us gt tution at 4.45....we were in cs at 3.59.......damm wei...well raj dared me to wish a total stranger happy CNY...and i did it...well then i dared him,and bla,bla,bla.......after collecting the stamp frm nagamas............. kumaresh wanted to go 2 popular...guess for wat.......to buy mineral water......budak kaya say..orang pergi popular beli buku but tis guy jus went 2 buy water.....hmmm wat can i say kums's very weird.........suddenly it was 4.23...mad rush got tution lah......rushed to the bus stop near the ciq...
well tat's me.....i damm tired wei...on the bus rushing to tution....
resh ere givin us all his cat like face......smile lah ur on candy camera.....
tried to get a pic of alagarajan....but kums kacau lah......
gupreet or burung....why so lonely.......nampak emo je..........any masalah boy????
and finally there raj kapten...ec...dunno wat he lookin at.................................

Saturday, January 17, 2009
peninju ec.......

Friday, January 9, 2009
new year,old year,average year...all the same lah...
wei....2009 edi spm...n iam still posting the same crappy shit in my blog.........i dunno wat 2 post lah.......i guess i keep posting stuff related to biology....cause i love tat subject,,,,,....yeah u heard..... i love BIO.........first day of skul damm borin wei......so many punks waking around.....well anyway i was kinda hapy wit my class....5e.....but even then there were bad news..i got pn haziah as my class teacher...aiyo why i so unlucky she damm iritating(for more info bout haziah contact any 2008 4e students...we will give u a full account)infact she's so damm iritating if i start to kutuk i cant damm well stop....why god....why......well i guess they say no pain no gain..........hey u guys know our new pk right.......tat punk new guy who u saw on the first day of perhimpunan....well we should get a nick name 4 him...any i deas.....well if u have any contact me at....darkangle32@hotmail.com..........iam very eager 2 hear read ur suggestion......may u have a punktastic day....
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