yup..sunblock...well i am currently usin it now......my mum says i'm gettin too dark.....she says i'm not to leave the house without the sunblock on......sad isn't it...i used to tink people who use sunblock are the ones they call "puteri lilin"...me i love the sun jus love it...but my mum thinks i have a right amount of tan..in fact a wee bit too much...she actually forced me to WATSONS to get one...NEUTROGENA ULTRA SHEER DRY TOUCH SUNBLOCK.....it says here the sunblock come wit HELIOPLEX BROAD SPECTRUM UVA-UVB SPF 50 +(sounds like physics to me....)......but the point is really jus dun get the fuss bout bein dark......every time there's an commercial break we can see bout 50 ads jus for skin whitening products...wtf is so wrong bout bein dark....hey i'm dark and i dun give a rat's fart bout it.......do you know that if ur dark the pigments in your skin prevents u frm gettin cancer & and sunburn........all tis skin products jus dun work.....wastin ur money......some people even have taken the liberty to call dark people like tis..."hey u hitam,hey roti bakar,hey keling hitam or in fire drills they say....aiyo ramasamy u kena bakar ke tak dengar bunyi loceng api".........well if tis was a country wit no rulez i would say back to them"hey u fucking cibai i dark so wat"...or maybe hey fuck face i love my colour.....ur white easy to get cancer...so go and die"or even maybe.... "hey shit head i love bein dark...u gt a problem wit...yeah how bout you go play a nice game of go hide and fuck ur self".......whew...must control my self(sory for usin words like..fuck& shithead) well i jus suppose tat we hv to be proud of our colour.....tink bout...and u will understand......cheerio.....
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