aha....yes our beloved captian finally turns 19......well it was like any normal day..well maybe for raj it was....we were all busy.....well reached skul at bout 7.....went to kums class..well the present tat i wuz suppose to give to raj was not wrapped.......lucky for me.....ms fantastic(divi)& and her group of friends wuz ready to help........armed wit wrapping paper and blades they attacked my gift wit speed of a top speed jet liner......(thanks for the help).......well then returned to my class and waited fo the right moment.....durin recess i returned to kums's class and collected money(we decided to put in some money & buy pizza's)....went out of skul and called pizza hut..they said tat the pizza's will arrive in bout 45 minutes...went back to kums class and signed raj's b'day card.....it was damm big wei.....oh yeah raj wuz havin tamil club meetin....after finish on y he kena 3-4...then after 3-4 kums and i went to the main gate to get the pizza's.....then i decided to check my phone...8 miss calls....damm..poor pizza guy...i called bck and they said the pizza's will be there soon......5 min's later it did arrive and we took it all to kums class...well after tat words jus can't describe wat happened...i hope tis pics will..........HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY RAJ.......

b'day boy.....i jus love tis shot.....reminds me of samy vellu.........

the pizza's

kumaresh...startin the party wit the firs gulp of the pepsi.........thiva hidin at the bck i dunno why???

ape lagi raj minum semua habis lah.....well take pity on gupreet tough he looks thirsty...minum bola makan bola tidur bola...minum coca cola...i mean pepsi..........

me and raj.....raj seems to be in an urge to shake sometin.....hmmm i wonder,,,,,....

haha...kumaresh kena ugut........thiva gangster sei...........tampoi don......beware.....

raj givin eugene some pepsi.........which he later poured on eugene face....oh well

dorai n raj........

ec's fantastiscos.......

group pic...i love tis pic.....well i do look kinda big in tis pic...but who cares......
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