Saturday, March 28, 2009


ah finally.....the ever waited class for bio......DISSECTION was a friday.....we had bio lesson during the third & fourth would be the who got us our test subjects...FULLY GROWN FROGS at rm 8 each..........let the fun begin.......i'm sory but i jus malas to upload the pics.........4mb a pic!!! too big.........oh well i guess words will put it right...around 7.30 the class wuz full of activity...the frogs were there.......not knowing the danger ahead ....they jump n croak happily in an large plastic box.......a few of us even brought camera's......tat includes me,marcus,roy(phedam) and a few other guys who brought handphones........soon the time arrived...we marched to the lab.....quickly...there the lab assistant wuz ready wit chloroform.......he jus took a small piece of cotton socked in chloroform and put it in the jar of the frogs reaction was amazing.....they started jumping like and there,......and finally gave away to the chloroform.......we picked our frogs and started disecting ...........first we had to cut of the layer of skin on the frog...and then use the scaple to slice.....after bout 15 minutes of slow slicing we finally reached the heart of the wuz still .....after observing the heart rate..we were to do anytin with the frog....i started by pulling out all the innards......slimy..gooey stuff.....then i moved on to chopping the frogs head....and then to the other parts of the wuz fun(not 4 the frogs).....amazing class....fantastic,.........mind blasting........tat day 6 fully grown frogs were destroyed..........lets give them a moment of silence(not 2 long....)

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