yup it's tat time of the year again....merdeka.....everyone rushes to the nearest supermarket to get a jalur gemilang......illegal fireworks stalls blomming in every nook & cranny....you start to see bulidings,cars ect...being decorated with our flag......even the school staff seems to be busy.....every morning during the merdeka season we hear a few extra songs being played across the intercom......all of this is enough to give anyone a severe headache.....but being malaysians we dun care......being a multirational country there's always bound to be injustice & problems.....i dun hv to say wat but i'm sure you all know already......but somehow the national day seems to bring everyone together......there is no ah seng,muthu,or ahmad complaning bout anything....during this special occasion they all seem to forget their complains & problems.....tat is the magic of
MERDEKA....it has the power to bring us together united...thus the concept 1 malaysia......if we really think bout it...we are actually one of the most luckiest country in the world.....we hv prefect weather conditions...we hv no natural disaster,like in other countries where the goverment hv 2 cope with collosal property damage........we also hv one of the cheapest medical care service in the world......there is nowhere in the world tat you can get treated for just 1-2 ringgit......and yet with all this we seem to find someway to complain.......never had i live a day and not hear people complain.......everywhere i go i hear disaticfaction...ect,ect...why are we like this....isn't it enough.....take a close look at africa....look at tat country...nw they hv every right to complain....they live every day only happy to see light again.....do know this people live by
1KG of rice per month......wherelse we can go up to
30KG permonth jus for one family.....this people also suffer from diseases,diry water,sleep in dust & even work for 23 hrs a day to live......well i hope my post today will make a difference...i can go on writing....but i really dun wanna bore u out.....and a very happy birthday to my country......