more sensitive to pain.......tis is the answer......not only do women experience pain more frequently,they are more sensitive to it.why this is so has not yet been fully explained,but it is a fact tat women have greater sensitivity to touch,which could be due to differences in their skin structure.research has found tat the facial skin of a women contains twice as many pain receptors as tat of a man.one thing tat is clear,however is tat male and female sex hormones play a major role in how each gender experiences pain.women,for example,experience pain differently at various stages during their menstrual cycle.in the late stages of pregnancy,hormones causes the body to release increased numbers of pain relieving neurotransmitters to make the pain of giving birth more bearable,as oestrogen levels fall after the menopause, sensitivity to pain also decreases.in males the sex hormone testosterone has a clear influence on pain,with experiments showing tat raised levels reduce pain